Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Obama's foreign-policy failures

So far I've done nine blogs based on Hugh Hewitt's powerful book called The Brief against Obama. They all dealt with Pres. Obama's terrible domestic policy failures. Let's move to some of his foreign-policy failures now.

Hewitt first explores the President's poor handling of the Iranian uprising. In 2009 Iran conducted an election for its president. The results were a joke, with the dangerous fanatic Ahmadinejad declared the overwhelming victor. Demonstrations and riots broke out almost immediately in the streets of Iran. World leaders condemned the fraud. In stark contrast, President Obama did and said next to nothing. In an interview conducted less than one week after the election, Obama downplayed the importance of the election in terms of the United States' foreign policy. This was typical of his dealing with the Iranians – he emphasizes diplomacy and talk without significant pressure. At the time of the stolen election, Obama's near silence in the face of a genuine opportunity to support crucially needed change in Iran drew enormous criticism. But he did nothing and said little, with the result that the brutal regime crushed the opposition. The opportunity came, and the opportunity passed, to stand with the people of Iran and force change on the regime.

Then there's Obama's dismissive attitude toward Israel. For example, when the Israeli prime minister Netanyahu came to the White House in 2010, Obama treated his guest to a series of slights. Photographs of the meeting were forbidden and an Israeli request to issue a joint-statement once it was over were turned down. The biggest slight came when the President abruptly rose and ended a meeting with the Israeli prime minister, saying that he had to go to dinner with his family. A year later, Obama gave a speech and declared the US wanted the borders of Israel and Palestine based on the 1967 lines, which are called the suicide lines because they are not defensible, nor have they been the jumping-off point for negotiations on a two-state solution in the past forty-five years. Obama demands a unilateral sacrifice concerning West Bank construction from Israel, which is not warranted given the facts on the ground and the realities of any genuine two-state solution. In addition, Obama sees some sort of moral equivalence to Israel when talking about terrorist organizations like Hamas, which refuse even to recognize Israel's right to exist.

There's plenty more when it comes to Obama's foreign-policy failures, but I will save those for another blog in the future. Again, please use these blogs I've posted over the past several weeks to talk to anybody who's wavering over whom to support for President. For both domestic and foreign-policy failures, Obama cannot be allowed to have another four years in office.

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