Saturday, October 13, 2012

Joe Biden and his cheerful assessment of Iran's potential nukes

There's been a lot of talk about Joe Biden and the weird laughs, smirks, and interruptions at the Vice Presidential debate. But what he had to say about Iran was chilling.

To a question about the Administration's willingness to stop the Tehran regime from going nuclear, he said what matters isn't Iran's ability to enrich uranium to weapons grade. It's whether it can build and deliver a bomb. His claim is that Iran has no way to send the bomb to a target and that we should all "calm down a little bit here."

In other words, Iran may have made progress toward enriching enough uranium to sufficient strength to build a bomb in the past four years, but that's immaterial. Based on the Vice President's intelligence, Iran isn't close to getting the trigger mechanism, missiles and all the other things needed to deploy a weapon. So don't worry, be happy.

But the reality is far more grim. Enrichment is the hardest thing about building a bomb. Iran has in any case worked to develop missiles and triggers with help from Russians, North Koreans and others.  So, it looks like the Obama Administration now has a new red line on Iran. The mullahs can enrich as much uranium as they wish as long as they "don't have something to put it in."

Wow, this is frightening. Once the crazies in Iran has the enriched uranium, they can get a delivery system in no time. We can't afford to see this scenario played out. Others in the Mideast will want their bomb too. Can you imagine a group of Arab countries with nuclear capabilities?

That's no laughing matter, Joe.

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