Something interesting is being reported regarding the upcoming election. Democrats may be heading toward a disaster.
The Gallup organization is respected for its years of polling. Recent data suggests how bad the election is likely to be for Democrats. In the polling company’s first estimates among likely voters, Republicans have a huge, double-digit advantage in two possible situations. Under Gallup's "lower turnout" scenario, Republicans lead by a whopping 18 points, 56% to 38%. Even under the "higher turnout" scenario, in which more Democrats tend to vote, the GOP lead is 13 points, 53% to 40%.
Those are absolutely horrific numbers for Democrats. If such voting actually happens, it would translate into a gain of 71-86 seats for Republicans. Right now, the GOP needs 39 seats to take a House majority.
But the bad news continues for the Dems in this poll. Another result suggests independent voters, the ones both parties desperately want to win over, seem to be strongly inclined to vote Republican this year.
And the beat goes on. Another finding has to do with Latinos, a significant part of the Democratic strength. The New York Times reports Latino voters are particularly dejected, and many may sit these elections out. Democratic leaders were hoping the federal lawsuit against Arizona over its illegal-immigration law would have positive political benefits, but that’s not the case. The other side is far more energized.
Anything else that represents bad news for Democrats this election year? Yep. Working-class whites have swung sharply toward the GOP. A recent poll discovered that this group favors GOP hopefuls 58 percent to 36 percent--a whopping 22 percentage-point gap.
But maybe ObamaCare will rally voters to vote Democratic. Nah, don’t count on it. Obama’s approval rating among seniors, according to the Wall Street Journal, is just 38%. What was especially interesting to me was the WSJ report that a survey of 12 "battleground districts" finds 1 in 4 Democrats favoring ObamaCare repeal. Now that’s an eye-opener.
Of course, this is all conjecture at this point. But the bottom line is that Democrats came into power two years ago on a flood of hope and dreams. It didn’t take long for the American people to see where the hope and change was taking the country. They appear ready to reject a party so mired in old, tired, repudiated ideas of increased government controls, higher taxes, soaring national debt, and hostility to business.
Nicole and Ryan – Riverside Wedding Film
1 week ago
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