As most of you know, I teach English at a local community college. So I'm sure you're not surprised that I'm very interested in how language is used and abused. One example of the latter is seen in the current charges being leveled at conservatives. Take a look at the language used by the left when conservatives bring up various concerns.
Let's start with the reaction to those who are worried about the growth of government powers. How are Tea Party people and other conservatives described? Why, they are racists opposed to a black president. They are crazy, unhinged, fringe people who don't know what's good for them.
Then there's the response to people upset at the federal government's failure to curb illegal immigration. These folks are painted as nativists with their heads in the sand. They are racists who hate other cultures. They are vigilantes, ready to take the law into their own hands. They are hard-hearted, unwilling to empathise with the plight of the undocumented (another interesting word choice there).
Of course, we can't leave out the slurs directed at those who oppose same-sex marriage. They are homophobes, old-fashioned, religious zealots, closed-minded people who can't understand how love makes the world go around.
We've recently seen the reaction to those who oppose an Islamic center placed close to Ground Zero. It's another phobia, isn't it? This time it's Islamophobia. It seems to be an effective strategy--just add "phobe" at the end of anything when attacking your opponent. No need for rational discussion at that point.
Over the past few months we have seen politicians come to power in opposition from the mass media and their leftist friends. And how are the voters seen? Gee, back in 2008 they were described as wise and mature, having voted Barack Obama into office. Now? they are whiny, neurotic, angry, unthinking, and infantile.
Here's the deal. We need to stick to rational arguments. We should call attention to those who use emotions and name-calling; we must reject their tactics.
Nicole and Ryan – Riverside Wedding Film
1 week ago
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