Sharon and I went to see "Up" the other day and were really impressed. This is a movie with a heart and a brain. The leading character is an old man--when was the last time you've seen a movie with an elderly character that wasn't just played for laughs or stereotyped as the neighborhood crank? An opening sequence showing the man's life with his one true love is done without dialogue in a highly effective manner that gives the audience an understanding of his later desires. Yes, there are laughs, but the movie gives the audience much to think about as the character attempts to complete a task he had promised his wife to do.
The writer and director is a Christian who has said his faith is part of all he does; he's a man who understands the idea of a worldview faith that colors all of life rather than compartmentalizing it for Sunday only. He said there was initial opposition to the movie because it would be hard to tie in toys, but he stuck to his concept. I'm glad he did. I hope you consider seeing this movie and supporting Pixar for bringing something good to the public.
Nicole and Ryan – Riverside Wedding Film
1 week ago
jared and i thought it was a really good movie...i had no idea what it would be like from the trailers but was very pleasantly surprised by it. like you said, funny parts but serious ideas that are brought up. definitely worth it to see!