Tuesday, September 3, 2013

More wisdom from Yogi

Hello again. Here's my second blog devoted to the sayings of Yogi Berra.

1. On one cold spring-training day, he said, "I'm wearing these gloves for my hands."

2. One day some sports writers wanted Berra to go with them to a dirty movie. He refused, but they kept on insisting that he go with them. "Well," said Yogi, "who's in it?"

3. "If you ask me anything I don't know, I'm not going to answer."

4. One time a radio interviewer told Berra before the broadcast that they were going to play a free association game. He was going to throw out a few names and Yogi was to say the first thing that popped into his mind. Yogi agreed, and they went on the air. The interviewer told the fans what they were going to do and then turned to Yogi and said, "Mickey Mantle." Yogi's response: "What about him?"
5. Once he and some other ballplayers were playing golf. The rule was that everybody teed off, but then they only played the best of the balls. Yogi had a nice drive, but another ballplayer hit one that was just a bit better. Berra lingered next to his ball that he had hit so well. "If I was playing alone," he said wistfully, "I'd play mine."                 
6. "You can observe a lot by watching."

7. His manager, Casey Stengel, once asked Yogi what he would do if he found $1 million. Yogi's response: "If the guy was real poor, I'd give it back to him."

8. One time he gave a writer directions to a racquetball club that he co-owned. Regarding how long the writer should stay on one stretch of the road, Yogi said, "It's pretty far, but it doesn't seem like it."

9. "You give 100% in the first half of the game, and if that isn't enough, in the second half you give what's left."

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