Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Post-election ramblings

I waited for a few days to pass after the recent election. Now that the dust has settled, here are some comments of mine, in no particular order.

  1. People aren’t interested and have little knowledge of the original intent of our Founding Fathers—limited government, individual responsibility, more freedom.
  2. People respond more to emotions than to hard facts.
  3. Many get confused about statements dealing with illegal immigration—they see it as an attack on all immigrants.
  4. There’s an unfortunate tendency to ignore evil, both at home (abortion) and overseas (Benghazi).
  5. We have been deluded by our educational system’s emphasis on multiculturalism—we don’t want to criticize anything as wrong or immoral.
  6. People want total freedom without responsibility.
  7. Negative advertising works, especially when you have no defense for your own shortcomings.
  8. Evangelical Christians are a sad lot if my stats are correct. I heard  only 50% are registered and only half of those really vote.
  9. Appearance wins out over reality. I read that some admitted they voted for Obama because he looked Presidential during the hurricane.
  10. Certain racial groups who complain of racism actually vote in such a block that it’s hard not thinking that the real racism is in their own ranks.
  11. Hope and pipe dreams can defeat the hard truth. Too many want to be told there are easy solutions to tough times.
  12. Not so many believe in American exceptionalism any more.
  13. Cynically appealing to class warfare can work.

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