It was great today. Someone at Reason magazine took a mic to the floor of the Democratic convention and asked delegates to comment on their view of "choice." Of course, they all chanted the mantra of "I'm for a woman's choice."
But it got interesting when the concept of "choice" was extended to other things. One woman was asked if people should have choice when it comes to light bulbs. No, she said because the traditional incandescent bulbs hurt the environment. Oh, so choice is OK to kill a baby, but not so good to pick light bulbs.
Another question had to do with fast foods. Several delegates said it was bad to let people eat fatty foods, so no choice should be given there. The reason, not surprising, was harm to the human body. Never mind the harm to the child and mother (both physical and psychological) that abortion does.
One other question was asked regarding school choice. Can you guess where this went? Yep, people opposed school choice because they feared the profit motive in some charter schools. Hey, we all know how bad free enterprise is, right? Obama and his minions have drilled that into us for four years now.
So the hypocrisy was dripping off the walls at the Dems' convention. But that's nothing new. These people have such screwed up priorities . . .
Nicole and Ryan – Riverside Wedding Film
1 week ago
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