For your consideration, here are some quotations from leftists, who now decry the use of violent language that they have recently discovered coming from right-wing people.
James Cameron: "I believe in ecoterrorism."
"I want to go up to the closest white person and say: "‘You can’t understand this, it’s a black thing’ and then slap him, just for my mental health." --New York city councilman Charles Barron.
Picture of Palin w/sign “domestic terrorist”
Al Sharpton: "If the Jews want to get it on, tell them to pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house."
"Intellectual" Peter Singer: After Tucson, “the NRA has blood on its hands, clearly.” On killing children: "Parents may, with good reason, regret that a disabled child was ever born. In that event the effect that the death of the child will have on its parents can be a reason for, rather than against, killing it.”
Richard Cohen, Washington Post: "For hypocrisy, for sheer gall, Gingrich should be hanged."
James Carville on Ken Starr: "He’s one more mistake away from not having any kneecaps."
Howard Dean: "“I hate the Republicans and everything they stand for."
"Shoot him [Charlton Heston] with a .44 caliber Bulldog." --Spike Lee.
Bill Maher, the comedian-pundit, was having a conversation with John Kerry. He asked the senator what he had gotten his wife for her birthday. Kerry answered that he had taken her to Vermont. Maher said, "You could have went to New Hampshire and killed two birds with one stone." (New Hampshire is an early primary state, of course.) Kerry said, "Or I could have gone to 1600 Pennsylvania and killed the real bird with one stone."
“If we were in other countries, we would all right now, all of us together, all of us together would go down to Washington and we would stone Henry Hyde to death! We would stone him to death! [crowd cheers] Wait! Shut up! Shut up! No shut up! I’m not finished. We would stone Henry Hyde to death and we would go to their homes and we’d kill their wives and their children. We would kill their families.” --Alec Baldwin
Former Rep. Paul Kanjorski (D., Pa.) said about Gov. Rick Scott (R., Florida), “Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him. Put him against the wall and shoot him.”
"You guys see 'Live and Let Die,' the great Bond film with Yaphet Kotto as the bad guy, Mr. Big? In the end they jam a big CO2 pellet in his face and he blew up. I have to tell you, Rush Limbaugh is looking more and more like Mr. Big, and at some point somebody’s going to jam a CO2 pellet into his head and he’s going to explode like a giant blimp. That day may come. Not yet, but we’ll be there to watch.” -- Chris Matthews on MSNBC’s Morning Meeting, Oct. 13, 2009.
“So, Michele, slit your wrist! Go ahead! I mean, you know, why not? I mean, if you want to -- or, you know, do us all a better thing. Move that knife up about two feet. I mean, start right at the collarbone.” -- Montel Williams talking about Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) on Air America’s Montel Across America, Sept. 2, 2009.
"Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it's really at." (William Ayers, friend of President Obama)
"I know how the Tea Party people feel, the anger, venom and bile that many of them showed during the recent House vote on health-care reform. I know because I want to spit on them, take one of their "Obama Plan White Slavery" signs and knock every racist and homophobic tooth out of their Cro-Magnon heads." —The Washington Post’s Courtland Milloy
"Republicans don’t believe in the imagination, partly because so few of them have one, but mostly because it gets in the way of their chosen work, which is to destroy the human race and the planet. Human beings, who have imaginations, can see a recipe for disaster in the making; Republicans, whose goal in life is to profit from disaster and who don’t give a hoot about human beings, either can’t or won’t. Which is why I personally think they should be exterminated before they cause any more harm." --The Village Voice’s Michael Feingold
Nicole and Ryan – Riverside Wedding Film
1 week ago
Yes, very tired of the hypocrisy. "Violent rhetoric" has evolved into a narrow, specialized definition: That which is uttered by conservatives. And condemning it seems to be a one-sided affair, depending on one's political affiliation and who is on the receiving end. Barack Obama said virtually nothing about the incendiary rhetoric being used by pro-union supporters during the Wisconsin protests.
ReplyDeletePS did Bill Maher really say, "You could have went to New Hampshire...."? Haha, time for a grammar refresher course, Mr. Maher!