Modern atheists complain about many things associated with Christianity—its documents, its theology, its history, its reliance on miracles. But there is one huge charge made by them—that Christianity is dangerous and ruins everything. Is that true? A few moments of reflection will put this charge to rest. Christianity has, in fact, been a positive good for civilization. What follows is a brief list of major contributions.
Let’s start with one key component of the Western world—reliance on and love of science. Why did the Western world act as the cradle of modern science? Because the Judeo-Christian view says God is rational, He created an orderly world, and He is separated from His creation. Therefore, it was OK to investigate everything, thinking God’s thoughts after Him. Most of the brightest early scientists were devout Christians.
What about evils like slavery? It was the West, thanks to Christianity, that finally abolished this terrible scourge from its territories. Compare its track record with other major civilizations. In Islamic areas, for example, slavery has been much longer in existence..
What about another key interest in the West—higher education? Again, it was Christianity and the Protestant reformation that urged the development of centers of learning. Most early American universities were begun with religious motives and an emphasis on literacy.
Then there’s health care and charities. Christianity has always been in the lead for these concerns. Going back to the Roman days, it was the Christians who helped those in need. Hospitals, care for children, concern for the poor—all were part of the Christian agenda. Think about the Salvation Army, the YMCA, the Red Cross, and other successful charitable organizations—all had Christian roots.
Women have been treated better, thanks to Christianity. Any comparison of Christian women with non-Christian peers will reveal this to be true. Again, consider how women are treated in Islamic countries as a powerful contrast.
Democracy owes its start to Christianity. The ordinary person is uplifted in the Christian faith. It was the religious awakenings that led to the American Revolution.
The freedoms we cherish are also thanks to Christianity. We separate church and state, allowing freedom to worship as we see fit. How is freedom handled in atheistic countries like North Korea and China? How is it doing in other religious lands like the Islamic countries?
Then there’s the emphasis on hard work and capitalism. That’s due to a couple of things. The Protestant Reformation elevated work to a noble calling, a way to honor God, no matter what the job. The general Judeo-Christian worldview emphasized private property, allowing people to work hard for themselves.
This is only a quick list, but it serves to make the point. The atheists are able to freely express their opinions precisely because they live in a land that was founded on Christian principles. Imagine they were to say these things in Iran, Saudi Arabia, or other repressive regimes. Their life expectancy would be measured in hours. They should thank Christians for giving them a platform for their views.
Nicole and Ryan – Riverside Wedding Film
1 week ago