Sharon told me about a website I should investigate, so I took a look at a few weeks ago. Wow, I really enjoyed it.
It’s the website for a talk-radio program that is broadcast on a station we can’t get here in southern California at a time I refuse to be awake for (12-2 a.m.). Here’s the good news—you can download previous programs. There’s no password required, no registration, and no charge to use this although there is a pitch to help out financially if you want to.
Who’s involved? The host is John Snyder, formerly of on KKLA in SoCal. He’s a Civil War buff and holds a Juris Doctor from Trinity Law School as well as a graduate with certificate from the Strasbourg Institute of International Law. He has others with him: Alexandra Berauer (former Executive Director of a Pregnancy Care Center in Southern California, a member the California Bar, and a bioethicist with the Center for Bioethics & Culture on issues of human egg trafficking), Christopher Neiswonger (holder of a Master's Degree in Public Policy, a Juris Doctor in Law, and a student of International Human Rights with his primary focus on how Christian thought affects the nature of civil government and culture), Stephen Nemo (artist, writer, and commentator on culture/politics), David Llewellyn (a legal activist and Constitutional law scholar, Director of the Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence located at Chapman University, and former Professor of English). That’s a good cast with strengths in a lot of areas that are of interest to discerning Christians today.
What’s the purpose of Snyder’s show and website? Let him explain in his own words:
In the Public Square exists to provide an intelligent and genial forum for the discussion of important issues in contemporary life from a Christian perspective:
In the Public Square is dedicated to reintegrating Christian ideas into issues of culture, politics, art, history, science, life issues and philosophy.
In the Public Square is dedicated to rehabilitating the image of the Christian mind and showing that Christianity has explanatory power.
In the Public Square invites people with differences to grapple with each other's ideas and opinions. It is a place to refine thoughts in good faith discussion— always with the aim of developing a better understanding of the world of visible and invisible things—always with the purpose of seeking and being shaped by the Truth.
I’ve listened to ten of his shows. What sorts of things has he covered? Well, it’s been wide ranging, including discussions of stem cell research, Civil War battles, the existence of the universe as evidence of a Designer (a great interview with Hugh Ross of Reasons to Believe), the culture war in America, animal/human hybrid research, the space program, and weaknesses in the politics of both the right and the left. You can see there’s something for almost everyone.
The show is conducted with reason, wit, fairness, and intelligence. So, if you’re tired of Michael Savage and others who exist to rile you up, give this show a try.
Nicole and Ryan – Riverside Wedding Film
1 week ago
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